Why Your Landing Page Matters For Your Dental Practice

Why Your Landing Page Matters For Your Dental Practice


If you have a dental practice, you know it can be challenging to attract new patients. Creating an effective landing page is important for your office’s success. A landing page is one of many different types of websites that businesses and organizations can use as part of their overall marketing strategy. It is an introductory point for potential customers interested in your products or services but is still waiting to be ready to purchase. A landing page should provide visitors with all the information they need before deciding whether to engage with your company —and, if so, how best they can do it (i.e., click on an email link).

First Impressions Will Make or Break the Sale

Your landing page is the first thing people see when they visit your website. They might stick around longer to learn more about your offer if it needs to be better designed or written. You can convert visitors into customers with good landing page design and copywriting.

A bad landing page will lead to lost sales. Suppose your landing page doesn’t reflect well on your practice or company and discourages users from taking action by providing little value or leaving them confused about what they should do next (or both). In that case, you could lose leads every day without even realizing it.

The Ideal Landing Page Structure

  • The landing page should be 3-5 pages at maximum.
  • It should have a clear call to action, headline, and value proposition.
  • The call to action (CTA) is what you want your visitor to do once they finish reading your landing page (it’s often “Get a Free Consultation” or “Learn More”). You want it to stand out in the top left corner of your web page.
  • The headline explains what you do and why people need it (without being too salesy). A great example of this is: “Dental Practice Management Software that Makes Dental Practices Easier & More Profitable — For Dentists!” Notice how specific I was with my keywords? That makes Google happy when people search for them!
  • Value propositions are like promises that prove why someone should use your product or service instead of someone else’s—they help convince prospects they’re making the right choice by choosing yours over others.

What Content Should Be on Your Landing Page?

The answer to the question above is “it depends.” The content you include on your landing page depends largely on what you want people to do when they arrive there. As we discussed in our last article, there are two types of landing pages:

  • Sales Pages, which are designed to convert visitors into paying customers. These pages should have a clear call-to-action (CTA) and social proof (e.g., testimonials).
  • Lead Capture Pages collect information from potential clients or patients as leads for follow-up by phone or email. Lead capture pages should have an opt-in form that collects information such as name and email address so you can follow up with them later.

Asking for too Much Information Can Kill Conversions.

If you ask for less information, people will be less likely to fill out your form. For example, if a patient only wants to book an appointment and you ask them to provide their insurance details before they can book an appointment, that’s just annoying! Asking for the minimum amount of information is important because it helps eliminate distractions while keeping the focus on your call-to-action button—and ultimately convert more leads into paying patients.

But what is “the minimum amount”? Well, first, let’s look at some examples:

  • Too few fields: If your landing page has too few fields compared with other websites in your industry (i.e., having only 2 or 3 instead of 4), it could be confusing and may cause people not to fill out the form at all. On top of that, asking for just one field might be too much compared to other pages on the internet (where multiple fields are required).
  • Just one field: If there are no additional sections where questions could be asked after submitting a form, this can also prove problematic because it leaves users feeling frustrated by having submitted their details but waiting to hear back! This is especially true if their goal was simply booking an appointment – which means they probably will receive a response after calling later today anyways…so why bother filling out anything online?

Don’t Forget About Calls to Action!

We’ve gone over how to create an effective landing page, but there’s one more thing you need to know: Calls-to-Action (CTA). CTA’s are the text links that ask your visitors to take action. They’re what direct people toward a goal and help them complete whatever task they were trying to do when they came on your page in the first place. So how do you make sure your CTAs are as effective as possible?

First off, make sure it’s clear what you want the visitor to do by highlighting it in bold color or italics. If possible, use more than one CTA; this gives them options so they can choose their preference for completing whatever task is being asked of them—and ultimately increases conversion rates! Finally, ensure that any important CTAs are visible throughout the entire visit, so users never miss out on crucial information from your site during their time online with you.

Experimenting with Headlines, Copy, and Images

  • A well-crafted headline is one of the most important elements of a landing page. Try to keep it short, concise, and to the point. Headlines that are too long or overly promotional don’t grab attention as much as they should.
  • Copy should be informative, not promotional. The copy on your landing page should explain what you can do for your customer and why it matters without being overly promotional or spammy. For example, if your dentist’s office specializes in cosmetic dentistry (i.e., making smiles look nicer), put that information up front clearly. Hence, people know exactly what they’re getting into before they click through to learn more about you.
  • Images should be relevant and high quality; only use stock photos if they are genuinely related to the topic!


Don’t take all of these tips as gospel. You know your business and your customers better than anyone else, so use that knowledge to ensure you create the perfect page for your dental practice. For your practice, landing pages should be more than something you put together to get more contacts. Your landing page is also an opportunity to show off to your potential patients. You can showcase what makes you unique; don’t waste it. Contact us today, and let us help you set this up!


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