Your Medical Practice A Business. Run It Like One.

Your Medical Practice A Business. Run It Like One

Introduction As a medical practice owner, you have a lot on your plate. You’re the face of the company and ultimately responsible for everything that goes on there. So it’s important to remember that your business is just that: a business. And like any other successful business, yours needs leadership—not just from yourself but also […]

5 Ways To Increase Patient Retention For Your Medical Spa

five Ways To Increase Patient Retention For Your Medical Spa

Do you want loyal customers and not just — customers? If you know the difference between the two, you may wonder how to retain your patients. Customers visiting your spa will never turn zero, but the question is: Will they return?  Studies indicate that a boost in profits is possible by focusing on the retention rates of […]

3 Ways to Increase Patient Acquisition For Your Medical Spa

three Ways to Increase Patient Acquisition For Your Medical Spa

Are you aiming for new ways to attract patients to your medical spa? Before, putting signs on your doors was the best strategy for the market. But now, things have become more competitive with additional efforts required. Not to mention that medical practices have numerous options to consider when promoting their services. So to increase productivity, […]

Why Attention with Intention is Key to Running Your Practice

why attention with intention is key to running your practice

The practice of medicine is a challenging profession. Treating patients can be stressful and time-consuming, but it is also rewarding. When you can help someone feel better and get healthy again, it makes all the hard work worth it. However, being an effective provider requires more than just treating patients well—it also requires paying attention […]

Attention with Intention

Attention with Intention

Some things in life are beyond our control, but fortunately, Intention is not one of them. It is always under our purview when we point our minds to something, whether in our goals, plans, mantras, etc. However, our minds naturally take us in different directions in response to the continual pulls on our attention. Stimuli […]