Why Social Media for your Cosmetic Practice is Important

Why Social Media for your Cosmetic Practice is Important

Introduction In today’s world, social media has become a necessity for any business. Whether running a small mom-and-pop shop or a multinational corporation, your customers expect you to be on Facebook or Twitter. But what about the cosmetic industry? Does it matter if your cosmetic practice is on social media? And why should you care […]

How Social Media Can help you retain more patients for your Derma Clinic

How Social Media Can help you retain more patients for your Derma Clinic

Introduction Social media has taken the marketing world by storm, but the benefits of using it to connect with patients are less widely known. If your clinic wants to increase its revenue and retain more patients, social media could be valuable. This article will give you tips on how to use social media effectively and […]

Why Is Social Media So Important To Connecting With Your Plastic Surgery Practice?

Why Is Social Media So Important To Connecting With Your Plastic Surgery Practice

You can only go anywhere these days if you see some social media. From your friends’ profiles on Facebook to the latest viral video on YouTube, we’re constantly connected through social media in one way or another. Studies show that almost 50% of people log onto their favorite social networks daily. So what does this […]

Social Media Marketing: A Guide for Every Medical Aesthetics Practitioner

Social Media Marketing A Guide for Every Medical Aesthetics Practitioner

No one can deny that the digital age has massively influenced how medical aesthetic practitioners market their skills and expertise. It appears that digital marketing has become essential in every business campaign to maximize efficiency. How? You can utilize technology y when you use digital marketing! When you’re on the internet, scroll through any website […]

5 Ways Creating a Social Media Calendar Can Help You Market Your Services

five Ways Creating a Social Media Calendar Can Help You Market

Are you stuck with your schedule and the things you’re supposed to do? Organizing and managing your services can be crucial. It can take most of your productive time and mess up your plan for some reasons.  A social media calendar can help you market your services at the right place and time. Tools like […]