Virtual Consultation: How Growth99 can help you set it up for your Aesthetics Practice

Virtual Consultation How Growth99 can help you set it up for your Aesthetics Practice

Introduction Virtual Consultations are a great way to supplement your in-person consultations with new and existing clients. At Growth99, we have seen many Aesthetics Practices get the best results from their virtual consultation program by setting up an appointment system that helps schedule appointments online and then book them into the calendar. What is Virtual […]

Improve Your ROI with A Lead Generation Campaign

improve your roi with a lead generation campaign

Leads are the lifeblood of any business, big and small, and an excellent lead generation strategy is key to long-term growth. Agencies and marketers focused on ROI are great at crunching numbers and gaining new leads. Finding ways to improve your ROI on your lead generation campaign is a critical marketing strategy. A proper lead […]